Our professional sales staff is available to consult with you to define your training requirements and recommend a training program that is designed to suit your needs. Please contact one of our specialists listed below with questions regarding the Corporate Training Center, Entrepreneurial Assistance Program or Advanced Manufacturing Training Center.
Corporate Training Center
John Lombardo Associate Vice President Workforce and Economic Development (631) 851-6225 |
Catherine Conroy Senior Account Clerk (631) 851-6210 |
Theresa Gallino College Aide (631) 851-6208 |
Advanced Manufacturing Training Center
Laura Galletta Program Director (631) 851-6216 |
Michael Whelan Adjunct Professional Assistant (631) 851-6203 |
Entrepreneurial Assistance Center
Daphne Gordon, Ph.D. Project Director (631) 851-6214 gordond@sunysuffolk.edu |
Jennifer Kenney Project Coordinator (631) 851-6214 kenneyj@sunysuffolk.edu |
Kenya Harvey Project Coordinator (631) 851-6201 harveyk@sunysuffolk.edu |
Javid Entizar Professional Assistant (631) 851-6224 entizaj@sunysuffolk.edu |
Vereline McClaney Business Counselor/Instructor (631) 851-6218 mcclanv@sunysuffolk.edu |
Natalie Rice Business Counselor/Instructor (631) 851-6224 ricena@sunysuffolk.edu |
Claribel Martinez Business Counselor/Instructor (631) 851-6224 martinezc@sunysuffolk.edu |
Santos Morales Business Counselor/Instructor (631) 851-6224 morales@sunysuffolk.edu |