Algebra I Regents Review

Review for the Algebra Regents Exam by participating in an intensive workshop. Prepare for the practical, multiple choice and short answer portions of the exam through in-class problem solving and strategizing, practice test taking and by developing a personal study plan. Students must bring the current Barron’s Regents Exams and Answers for this course to class. (6 meetings/12 hours)


Course #: XEP127 Category: Tags: , , , ,


Course # CRN Details Availability Cost


39499 Spring 2025 / 39499 / Online, Monday/Wednesday 05/28/25-06/16/25 6:30pm-8:30pm

Registration is open.



Review for the Algebra Regents Exam by participating in an intensive workshop. Prepare for the practical, multiple choice and short answer portions of the exam through in-class problem solving and strategizing, practice test taking and by developing a personal study plan. Students must bring the current Barron’s Regents Exams and Answers for this course to class. (6 meetings/12 hours)